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Service map: AutoComplete for dropdown lists in filtering criteria



9 تعليقات

  • تعليق رسمي
    Liam Nicoll

    This is now in production. 

  • Hara Poulakou

    I am also adding an image of how I picture it:

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Such a good proposal Hara!

  • Hara Poulakou

    Hey Liam-Nicoll this AntDesign is very interesting, I see a lot of feature options! 

    The demo one component you shared matches what I have in mind.

    We should keep in mind that in the case of the service types where there are two lists embedded (categories and subcategories), this search feature should somehow work for both lists.

  • Helen Bui

    This was completed as of Nov 2. If that is not the case, do reach out to me to follow up with the Developers and Liam. 

  • Hara Poulakou

    When I suggested this feature, I was referring to the filtering criteria of the services on the website. I see now that this probably was not explained properly and this feature has been added in Directus but not on the website. Is this something that we can have as a feature on the website especially for the service types and the providers? 

  • Helen Bui

    Hey Hara, thanks for your follow up and further explanation. I have now created a ticket to the Devs Feature Request backlog - SP-2566 to be reviewed and prioritized for when we have the bandwidth to start working on Features and not Bug Reports. 

  • Helen Bui

    We've just moved over to our new project board from SP to SPP, this is the new Jira ticket number: https://theirc.atlassian.net/browse/SPP-347 for record.


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