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Websites undergoing improvements to have an announcement for users to know

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4 تعليقات

  • تعليق رسمي
    Helen Bui

    Hey, all! Sharing an early screengrab of some exciting new changes to the website/CMS systems that Guillermo has been working on. We will be changing the architecture of the web apps from server-side rendering to client-side rendering, and moving many of the configuration variables from the code to the content management systems. What this will mean for you:

    • In Directus, all of the common support requests (buttons/colors/homepage text/header/fooder) that required edits to the codebase will be able to be done from within your countries' Directus configuration.
    • Pulls from the data sources directly in realtime rather than needing to constantly rebuild. You will be able to see changes as soon as you make them.
    • Each project will have a preview instance where they can create test configurations of the variables.
    • This will make it much faster to customize site templates for the new Signpost launches. Instead of taking days editing the code base, we can just add some values to the configuration files in Directus and the changes will be made automatically.
    • The websites will load faster for the client.

    I know a lot of teams have been looking for more autonomy in making edits to the site and have been running into obstacles with limitations on editing code. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction! Here's a short demo in the test instance. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

  • Helen Bui

    Change the cookie banner from Dynamic Content to ZD Guide. Dynamic Content can only be done by Admins but need to give teams the flexibility to do it themselves. 

  • Helen Bui

    SP-2563 created to investigate and determine process for implementing this for country teams. 

  • Helen Bui

    Currently placed in the backlog pending prioritization due to higher feature demands. We moved to a new project from SP to SPP, here is the new Jira no: https://theirc.atlassian.net/browse/SPP-340


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