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6 تعليقات

  • Helen Bui

    Hi Lolyne, would you be able to further elaborate on this request? What specific analytics would you like to see for the Service map and articles? 

    Example: "I want to know how many people have visited an article" or "I want to understand which articles are the most viewed", etc. 

  • Helen Bui

    Hi Lolyne, would you be able to further elaborate on this request? What specific analytics would you like to see for the Service map and articles? 

    Example: "I want to know how many people have visited an article" or "I want to understand which articles are the most viewed", etc. 

  • Lolyne Ongeri

    Hi Hellen, 

    Page views, gender, age if possible, most viewed service maps, and traffic sources so we know where to concentrate our awareness efforts, also a graph on trends where we can extrapolate data over time. 

  • Helen Bui

    Hi Lolyne, This is noted, I have passed this to our Analytics Guru.

    The direct Tech team (me, Liam, Brian and the team) does not have insight into her workload and backlog, therefore please expect a different timeframe as to when she can get to this request. She has deemed this as a bit of a larger project and could be something to focus on maybe second half of December. 

  • Helen Bui

    Hey Lolyne, 

    We synced with the Analytics Analyst today, and she has confirmed that she will start the investigation in the new year (Sprint 134). She has had discussions and looked into the request but need to dedicate time to deep dive into what's possible - SP-2734. 

  • Helen Bui

    We moved over to our new project from SP to SPP, this is the new Jira number: https://theirc.atlassian.net/browse/SPP-260. It's dependent on our Analytics Analysts bandwidth for when she can take this one which is out of our scope. 


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