التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


7 تعليقات

  • Helen Bui

    Hi Lolyne, could you provide some screenshots and use cases to support your request?

    Do you have a link to the page you're referring to so that we have more insight as to what specific area you're wanting us to look into? 

  • Lolyne Ongeri

    I don't have a screenshot, but it is a feature we had in the previous CMS. Now, I am working on 5  IRC service maps with the same information in the public contacts, and administrative, but I have to input the information every time. It is redundant, I feel it could save time if the system can remember, instead of me having to input every time. 

  • Helen Bui

    I'll schedule a call with you and Paskal to scope out the work a bit more as after speaking with the Devs, they mentioned that we didn't have any autocomplete or feature along those lines in the old CMS as far as they can remember. It could be that things got cached on the browser natively but it wasn't something we added logic to. 

    Let's make sure we all understand the request and address any limitations before I create a ticket with the Devs to prioritize and develop. 

  • Helen Bui

    Recorded session with Lolyne here. SP-2732 created and placed in Developers backlog for review and prioritization. This has been discussed to be action after the new year. 

    The request is that when accessing Directus and creating/editing a new service for your country site. It would save SMO's a lot of time if the Administative Information and Public Contact Information section can remember existing services for that country site in Directus, and turn that logic into a dropdown list to be selectable and auto-fill in the section to speed up the process, instead of copy and pasting the information from old services to the new service. 

  • Helen Bui

    This has been assigned to a tech member to develop a business case before proceeding with the Developer. Investigate Jira number: https://theirc.atlassian.net/browse/SPP-338

    New ticket created (March 5) to determine Directus feasibility as there will be coding development required. The lead developer for Directus is currently busy with AI Chatbot so will place the ticket in a future sprint - SPP-1211. Pending prioritization.

  • Helen Bui

    Business case document created here for review.

  • Helen Bui

    Business case document passed QA and agreed to proceed with custom development. In-depth refinement needed to break down the ticket for Developers. 


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