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Toggle button for basemaps



7 comentarios

  • Helen Bui

    A meeting to be scheduled with Alberto to further refine. Jira ticket:

  • Helen Bui

    This has been discussed and prioritised, it is in a future sprint starting March 13-26. Thank you Alberto for meeting with me to create a mockup on how you'll like this to look for all instances. 

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Thank you Helen!

  • Helen Bui

    Hey Alberto, 

    I wanted to give you an update on your Toggle Basemap request. Apologies for the deploy, we didn't expect him to suddenly have such a growing backlog. This request is assigned to a specific developer and with the development and progress with AI and Monorepo, your request has been pushed back due to higher priorities in getting the main projects completed. 

    I have placed it in Sprint 19 for now, starting May 22 to June 4. I'm hoping that he will be able to take it on then. 

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Hi Helen,

    No worries! Thank you for the update.



  • Helen Bui

    Hey Alberto, 

    Wonderful news! We did complete this work in our current sprint which will end at the end of the day today (you can find the improvement in the QA environment: but we wanted to make additional changes to it, such as

    • Making it selectable as a drop up and not just hover 
    • Include basemap images to each one for improved visuals 

    The improvements will be done before the end of next sprint. Next sprint starts tomorrow. We appreciate your patience on this as we get to the finish line.

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Hi Helen!

    It looks amazing! Including basemap images will be very helpful.

    Thanks all of you for your work and support.


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