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Document repository on websites

Suivi par 3 personnes


8 commentaires

  • Helen Bui

    Hey Alberto, would you be able to share some ideas or documentation with us on where you think the section to upload files on the website should be? It'll be great to see your suggestions visually as a starting point for us to review. 

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Hi Helen, sure!

    It might work to have this section at the top of the website (IMG_1), even within the main structure of the website, something like the "Noticias" section but called "Documents" or "Documents that may be helpful" (there will be to define well the name of this section).

    What type of documents could be uploaded? We think of PDF files mainly, but not limited to other file types such as images.

    How can this section be structured? Upon accessing this new section, a new tab is displayed and the list of available documents will be ready for preview and download. I don't have a solid proposal for what this section could look like, but the ICRC Red Safe structure ( and the UNHCR Mexico printable map section ( seem like a good starting point to build the idea.

    I hope this helps.

  • Helen Bui

    Hey Alberto, 

    We have not forgotten about you. Thanks for your patience with us. 

    This definitely helps a lot! Should there be a limit as to how many documents should be available for preview and/or download? For example, what happens if as time goes on, more documents are added and we end up having 50 documents on the website.

    Do you think that would matter? 

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Hi Helen!

    No worries, thanks for following up. Glad to hear this helps. I'm not sure if the limit of documents available matters for now, it might be more important to define how many elements will be displayed per page (5? 10?), and to keep these files up to date (but this will be part of our job).

  • Helen Bui

    Noted, thanks for that. I have now created a ticket (SP-2646) in our Devs backlog to review and prioritize. Note that, we're only now entering the feature request phase as we were very focused on bug reports and the demand for pictures on the homepage, so this request will be placed in future sprints. 

  • Alberto Tejeda

    We really appreciate it!

    Looking forward for the follow up. Thanks Helen!

  • Helen Bui

    Update: We were able to review all feature requests and prioritize them to be placed in the upcoming and future sprints. Your request has been placed in Sprint 133. 

    End of the day today, we will be closing out Sprint 131. Sprint 132 will be from Dec 6-Dec 19. Sprint 133 will be Dec 20-Jan 2.

    We can see this as a lovely add on to the website ready for the new year. Note that, there may be delays considering it's the Christmas and New Year holidays. 

  • Helen Bui

    We moved over to our new project from SP to SPP yesterday. This is the new Jira number: and it was reassigned to another Developer, and marked as a high priority for the next sprint starting Jan 31.

    There was a pushback / delay due to the team being out over the holidays, and higher priority requests that came through in preparation for the new year. 


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