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Directus Editor: Greater control over selecting service categories (Disabling automatic addition of service categories based on selected subcategories)

Suivi par 3 personnes


10 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Helen Bui

    Thank you Polina for meeting with Liam and I. For other interested, see the recorded meeting here on next steps. 

    As agreed: 

    1. Polina to compile a list of categories that are wrong or should be revised for the Tech team to investigate 
    2. Polina will engage Hara and other members from the GPWG to determine if other teams are encountering the same issue. Look at it from a global perspective than a single country specific request. 
    3. Liam will review and determine changes with the categories at a minimum as that may be an alternative route to the solution, and discuss with the tech team internally on the automation idea
    4. Polina to get more country buy-in as that will better support the case and provides the Tech team a clearer priority and impact understanding - generally would be a huge benefit

    This is deemed as a high time and effort customisable request as Directus doesn't have that functionality which will affect the global team. More to come after the 4 points mentioned have been actioned. 

  • Helen Bui

    Similar request to Alberto Tejeda: 

    "Autocompletion of categories is a very useful tool, but not being able to delete some categories could be a problem."

    We currently have a ticket in our Jira Board ready for prioritization: This ticket has been assigned to a Developer but is yet to find space in his sprint to take it on. 

  • Polina Sokolkina

    Hi Helen, does it mean that someone is working on it? I don't have access to other member's tickets, so cannot see the discussion. 

  • Helen Bui

    It is yet to be worked on. It is assigned to a Developer but he is working on other feature requests right now and is at max capacity. If he is able to complete all of the ones he is currently committed to within an active sprint and has time remaining then he will be able to take it on that ends Jan 16.

    Alternatively, it will be after Jan 17 when a new sprint starts. 

  • Polina Sokolkina

    Thanks, great news! 

  • Alberto Tejeda

    Hi Polina!

    Last month I submitted a ticket requesting something similar due to some services located in Mexico. Thanks a lot for proposing this through the Feature Request community page.

    And thanks Helen for the follow up!




  • Helen Bui

    We've just moved over to our new project board from SP to SPP, this is the new Jira ticket number: for record. 

  • Helen Bui

    This has been discussed and prioritized to start in our next sprint starting on Jan 31. 

  • Polina Sokolkina

    Hi Helen!

    Thanks for the update on this topic.

    Taking this opportunity, I would like to bring to your attention a related issue concerning the service category functionality in the Directus editor and filtering on the map on RI, which aligns with the enhancements discussed here.

    Currently, when a service is tagged with a primary category (e.g., 'General Information'), it inadvertently appears under all associated subcategories in the map filtering feature, rather than just the specific subcategory intended. This results in a lack of precision in how services are categorized and displayed, potentially leading to user confusion and inefficiency in service discovery.

    I believe this issue is closely related to the ongoing discussion about granting Service Mapping Officers (SMOs) greater control over selecting service categories and managing automatic category additions based on subcategory selection.

    Could this issue be integrated into the scope of the existing ticket scheduled for the upcoming sprint starting on January 31? I think addressing this as part of the broader category management enhancements would provide a more comprehensive solution.



  • Helen Bui

    We discussed this yesterday and highlighted that we will need to thoroughly review Directus feasibility on whether we can continue with a developer in-house or to engage Directus for support to implement. 


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