Layout 3: Kanban (Interactions)
How to Navigate: |
1. Viewing Kanban interface: In Kanban interface, columns represent different stages or categories of tasks. Each task is represented as a card within the corresponding column. 3. Updating Task Details: Click on a card to view and edit its details. Modify task attributes like priority, tags, attachments, or comments as needed. 4. Creating New Cards: To create a new task, click on the blue plus sign (+) located in the top right corner of the screen and fill in the necessary information. |
How to Search: |
1. Access to “Search”:To perform a search operation in Kanban mode, click on the "Search" function located in the top right corner.(5) It is represented by a magnifying glass symbol.
2. Input “Search Items”: Enter the desired search content in the "Search items..." field (7), and Kanban will automatically display the search results. |
How to Filter: |
Filters allow you to conditionally select Items from a Collection. Use-cases include customizing Item search results, restricting Item access permissions for specific Users or Roles, building dashboard analytics with the Insights module, and more.
1. Access to “Filter”:To perform a filter operation in Kanban mode, Click "Filter".(7). It is represented by a symbol shaped like a funnel, consisting of three horizontal lines.
2. Input filter criteria: Enter the Field to filter by in the "Search" field (8) or select from the dropdown menu. Then select the Operator as desired (9). Finally define the Value to filter for (10). |
3. AND/OR Groups: AND Groups give the option to filter for Items that meet all of several criteria. On the other hand, OR Groups filter for Items that meet any one of several criteria.