Layout 2: Map (Configurations)
This Layout is ideal for Collections that emphasize geospatial data. It provides a world map, with Items displayed as points, lines, and other geometry.
How to Configure it: |
Access to “Map”: To change the layout, click on the “Layout” and choose “Map” from the dropdown menu (4). This will initiate the process of transforming the layout of the current view into a Map style. |
Customize “Map”: After transforming the layout to Map style, the "Layout Options" interface will display some new options. |
Basemap: Choose the map provider used for the Collection. |
Basemap Options |
There are four options for basemaps depending on your preferences and context. Photos show the same location in Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya with different views.
1. Mapbox: The basic mapbox layer we use is a custom basemap designed by the Signpost team to visually match the aesthetics of Directus. It does not translate in every language but will work well for UN languages. It omits details and common places of interest like bus stations, restaurants but retains titles of schools and hospitals and other relevant information. It allows you to search using Mapbox’s geocoder. It is best suited for urban contexts or places that are more mapped (Europe, USA, LATAM, MENA). |
2. Openstreetmap: The basic Openstreetmap layer is an open-source map that translates locations based on the official languages of that country and it’s hyperlocal location. It is best suited for humanitarian contexts and rural areas that are less mapped because they map places that western businesses have no incentive to do so. It frequently hosts content from humanitarian contexts as well (it holds information about development sector fixtures, refugee camps, national parks/ terrain better than mapbox). It works well everywhere but may have slightly less content in urban areas. |
3. Satellite: The Satellite base layer is a precision tool to pinpoint exact building, understand the context, and describe directions. Satellite has limited labels or descriptors however it shows you the environment and upon Zoom you can see protruding shape files mapped of around 90% of buildings across the globe updated regularly. The current satellite layer does not update real time but there are possibilities in the future to use satellite to also do context analysis in a crisis. Eventually if Directus allows we may be able to make this go fully 3d and zoom with pitch so you can see terrain elevation as if you were in the place. |
4. Monochrome (Dark): This is the same as our mapbox layer just black and grey. It is for night time, or any of you who think you are batman. I would not recommend this for rural areas. This is a nice companion to the dark mode interface. |
Geospatial Field: Select the geospatial field type to display on screen. |
Display Template: Choose the Fields displayed when hovering over an Item on the map. |
Cluster Nearby Data: Toggle whether or not nearby Items get clustered into a single pin. |