Welcome to Moderation
Every day Signpost Digital Community Liaisons, formerly known as moderators, around the world respond to hundreds of comments and messages from people (refugees, displaced people, etc.) searching for information on their preferred social media channels, to help them make informed choices about their lives and connect them with services who can help.
As a Signpost DCL you are giving people the information they need to make the most informed decisions about what to do for their futures. The range of information you provide about peoples’ rights under the law, what they need to know about the asylum process, what services are available and how to access them are CRITICAL to their ability to survive and begin to recover in these difficult circumstances.
Information services are a central element of what we call "protection", a range of services and activities that are designed to keep people safe, to prevent them from experiencing harm to whatever extent we can and to connect them to the services and support they need when they do experience harm.
Information itself is critical, but sometimes it isn’t enough – people who are experiencing real harm or are at risk of experiencing further harm may need more help than what Signpost can provide. You will learn more about when it is your responsibility to escalate a comment for more in-depth, specialized support.