Signpost can also sometimes be criticized by our users in comments. This criticism usually falls into one of these categories:
Category #1 | Category #2 | Category #3 | Category #4 |
Accusations that we are lying, or that the information that we have provided is false. |
Claims that as an NGO we are taking money meant for refugees. |
Claims that we don’t care about refugees, we only care about "likes." |
Criticism of other IRC or Mercy Corps programming (eg. cash assistance). |
Accusations of Lying & False Information
Accusations that we are lying/providing false information are the easiest type of criticism to respond to. If people accuse us of lying, explain the purpose of the Signpost Facebook page and cite the source of the information we have provided.
For Example: |
Other Critical Comments
You are not expected to handle criticism alone! Responding to critical comments left on the page, can often require a nuanced understanding and a very considered editorial response. So if you are ever unsure about how to respond flag the criticism to your manager. Here is an example:
In May 2020, the Refugee.Info team in Italy posted information about a new law signed by the President. The post was based on researched and verified information about the law.
Here is the post: |
Sanatoria update: Yesterday, the President signed the decree and published it in the official gazette. While looking into details with lawyers at Coalizione Italiana Libertà e Diritti civili, here are a few things we can now confirm. The sanatoria is not for everyone. It applies to people who are currently in the country and have a job offer or work experience in one of the following sectors:
Watch out for scams! If someone other than your employer promises you a permesso in exchange for money- speak to a trusted legal expert immediately!
We’ll keep you posted – stay tuned! |
Unfortunately, a person in the group commented and tried to debase the information posted by the Refugee.Info team. This person commented:
- "Plz this page should create correct info. The regolarizzazione is for all lavoratori. Not only the ones listed. Don’t mislead people."
The Refugee.Info team responded to this person’s comment, showing the decree, but the commenter continued to say it was wrong. In order to de-escalate the situation, the DCL sent a private message to the commenter. This was also to avoid further spread of misinformation.
The user was convinced they were right and Refugee.Info was wrong. But the DCL explained they were aware of the content of the law and clarified the specific aspect that the commenter believed to be false. In the end, the commenter understood that they were incorrect and even commented on the original thread in order to correct himself from before and wrote:
- "Refugee.Info.Italy am sorry for making a wrong comment because it's not a good one for the page, i should have contacted u privately. Am happy for the settlement via private chat. MAY God Help us All, thankz."
Handling Criticism & Complaints Checklist | |
The DOs: | |
Cite sources of information if people accuse us of lying - be gracious and realize that such comments often come from people's frustration with terrible situations. |
Flag any criticisms about Signpost to your manager. | |
The DON'Ts: | |
Attempt to respond to criticism on your own if you're not sure. |
Talk in a disrespectful manner to people - even if you think they are being unreasonable. |