How to Send a Customized Survey |
The Signpost team manages the Signpost Client Satisfaction Survey tool and data processing.
If you want to send a customized or longer-form survey beyond this, including one that targets website, Facebook, Instagram, etc. users, your team will be responsible for creating and implementing the survey. This includes quarterly, bi-annual, or one-off surveys.
While Signpost does not administer custom surveys, below is a template of recommended questions by the Signpost team for a longer-form survey your team can use or build off of.
Your team is welcome to use whichever survey tool works best or is already used by your local MEAL team, such as Commcare or Kobo Collect. Please note Commcare is recommended by IRC as organization for data protection/privacy reasons.
Signpost does not have a Commcare account, however our Kobo account details are below if you would like to share your survey results with us.
Kobo Account:
- e-mail:, username: signpost.